Eagle Valley Arts Council
Red Barn Arts Centre
1226 Riverside Avenue, Sicamous, BC, V0E2V0
Mailing address: Box 686 Sicamous, BC, V0E2V0
Become an Active Member of the Arts Community
Meet people with a connection to art, history and the surrounding landscape. Get access to exclusive discounts, exhibition opportunities, and volunteer engagement. Join a group that appeals to your interests or try something new. Freely grow and thrive in the art form of your choice.
For more information on groups and contact information check out the contact page on this website or the individual group page. Contacts
or to apply email info@eaglevalleyartscouncil.com to help you connect.

You can join as a member of EVAC and any member group (plus their fees) for $50 per year.
You can join as a member of EVAC and any member group plus their fees for $50 per year.
To join groups please contact the particular arts area you wish to join and they will guide you for your best options.
List of member groups here :